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---- It's absoloutly impossible. 3 reasons are that firstly the planet has an atmosphere that is made up from gases that are deadly poisonous to a human. Secondly, the surface of Jupiter (and just about all of the rest of it too) is gaseous and the only "solid" part is a very small inner core. Thirdly, even if you could find a solid surface to stand on you would still die instantly because the pressure on Jupiter is so incredibly heavy that a human would be crushed and flattened like a ribbon instantly.

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Q: What is the probability that a human can walk on Jupiter?
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Why couldn't a human walk on Jupiter?

Jupiter is a gas planet. As such it has no solid surface.

Can you walk on Jupiter?

No, it is not possible to walk on Jupiter. Jupiter is a gas giant composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, with no solid surface to walk on. The extreme pressure and gravity on Jupiter would also make it impossible for a human to stand or move on its surface.

What is it like to walk on Jupiter?

Impossible. Jupiter has no definite surface, so there is nothing to walk on.

Who was one to walk on Jupiter?

No human or spacecraft has landed on Jupiter, as its extreme environment makes it challenging to explore. We have sent robotic spacecrafts like the Galileo and Juno probes to study Jupiter from orbit.

Who went on Jupiter?

Jupiter is made up of gasses, so it would be impossible for anyone to walk on it. No human has been on any thing outside the planet Earth except for our moon.

Can a rat walk Jupiter?

no it can't live on Jupiter.

Is there probability of finding water on Jupiter?

Jupiter has very little water (0.0004%). there is water on jupiter. It is mostly in the clouds above though.

Can you do anything on Jupiter?

no u cant walk or do stuff on Jupiter because it does not have a solid surface.

Could one walk on the surface of Jupiter?

No. Jupiter is a gas planet. It does not have a definite surface.

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Who Was The First Man To Orbit Jupiter?

No human has yet orbited Jupiter.

How many human explorations have there been on Jupiter?

There have been no human explorations on Jupiter. All missions to Jupiter have been conducted using robotic spacecraft.