It is -0.51
z = 1.75
The z-score is 0.84. In the related link, look in the body of the table for .3 area (.2995 closest) and it yields the .84 z-score.
z = 0.8416
It is 84.3%
80 percent percent = 0.008. The two tailed z-score for 0.008 is 2.652
It is -0.51
z = 1.28, approx.
z = 1.75
The z-score is 0.84. In the related link, look in the body of the table for .3 area (.2995 closest) and it yields the .84 z-score.
50 * * * * * z = -0.67449 to z = +0.67449
z value=0.44
z = 1.281551
A Z score of 300 is an extremely large number as the z scores very rarely fall above 4 or below -4. About 0 percent of the scores fall above a z score of 300.
A z score of .5 corresponds to 19% of the data between the mean and z. P( 0 < z < .5) = .19
z = 0.8416