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Q: What kind of information is found in line plots?
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What kind of data would a line plot be used for?

I think line plots are used to collect a numerous of data.

What are line plots?

line plot

What are line plots useful for?

to show an increase or decrease of change in a certain amount of time.

What are line graphs line plots?

Line Graphs: have lines connecting each graphed data. Line Plots: have Xs for each time the value is repeated.

¨ How do you multiply line plots¨?

by mutiplying

Are line plots and line graphs the same thing?


What are the similarities of line plots and bar graphs and line graphs?


How are line plots and line graphs the same?

They are different names for the same thing!

Water line installation?

This needs more information. What kind of water line and where? What about it?

What is the advantages for using the line plots?

it is easier to read

When is it best to use a line plot?

Line plots are best used to show trends over time or to display continuous data points. They are useful for visualizing how one variable changes in relation to another. Line plots are effective in highlighting patterns or fluctuations in data and are commonly used in data analysis and research.

What kind of information can be found when you google the term Romania?

Looking up the term Romania brings up information primarily about the country Romania. Government sites and public information sites such as Wikipedia line the top of the list.