TWO digits are in the number 30, 3 and 0
The number of digits in a phone number depends on the county of the number itself. For instance, in the United States, there are typically 10 digits for a number, whether it has an area code or is toll free.
How many digits in a fed referemce number?
descending order
Thirteen written in binary digits is: o|
Seven and thirteen twentieths, or in digits: 7 13/20
A single digit in a number can have a place value. A number with several digits cannot.
The number 13.672 is "thirteen and six hundred seventy-two thousandths." But it would more often be stated as digits: thirteen point six seven two.
You cant beCAUSE IT is a two digit number - previous answer my answer - technically, this isn't possible, but lets put it in extended notation: 13(1,000,000) + 13(1,000) + 13(100) + 13 = 13,014,313 <- There's your answer.
Assuming you mean digits and not didgets, the answer is 6.
Oh, isn't that just a lovely number? Thirteen thousand one hundred and nine looks like this in digits: 13,109. Just imagine all the happy little numbers coming together to create such a peaceful and harmonious scene on your paper.
67, 157
The number 13 is spelled "thirteen".thirteen