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Q: What percentage of American white males live to age 80?
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How many birthdays does the average woman have?

How many birthdays a person has depends on a lot of things, including their career, their lifestyle, and where they live. The average American woman will live to be 78 years old.

How do you figure a percent?

If you want to figure a percent, you would have to have two quantities, which are the overall amount of something, and some part of that overall amount, and you want to know what percent the part is of the whole. This can refer to anything, but arbitrarily, let us say that you want to know what percent of the people in Somewhereville live on Main Street. So first you get the total population of Somewhereville which let us say is 53,000. then you get the total population of Main Street, which let us say is 9,000. So, we divide 9,000 by 53,000 and we get .17 which is a bit less than a fifth. That's a fraction but it is not yet a percentage. To make it into a percentage we then multiply by 100, so .17 becomes 17%. What this actually means is that out of every hundred people who live in Somewhereville, 17 of them live on Main St.

What is the probability that dinosaur bones are in your backyard?

It depends on where you live. If you live in Utica, Illinois, the probability is close to zero. If you live in Cheyenne, Wyoming, the odds are upped considerably.

Average lifespan of african american man?

if you are in a gang you are most likely dead so im talking to you spirit/ghost and if you were wondering the asian sitting next to me is very mean. but if you weren't well mind your own f***ing business. but if you happen to not be in a gang well you will either get shot by one or live forever unless you are a black cat the YOLNT

Why are crime statistics not as accurate as sociologists would like?

Crime statistics only include recorded crimes. A lot of crimes go unreported and therefore unrecorded, for various reasons, mainly leading back to the fact that the victim doesn't always report the crime. There is actually much, much more crime happening than we think, because we look at the official crime statistics and it only shows a certain amount, and the crimes commited by certain people. Sociologists explain reasons for this. For example; The official crime statistics show that males are most likely to commit crime against other males. A sociologist would say that this is because men want to live up to the 'macho image', they don't want to admit defeat. If a woman commited a crime against the man, he may be very unlikely to report it. So; a lot of crime commited by women against men goes unrecorded and doesn't appear in the official statistics.