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Q: What percentage of Americans own more than one house?
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What percentage of Americans live for more than 88 years?

Approximately 2% of Americans live to be older than 88 years.

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What percentage of Americans lived in poverty in the 1950s?

More than 20% of Americans still lived in poverty in the 1950's

What percentage of Americans earned more than 5000 in 1929?

In 1929, it is estimated that less than 10% of Americans earned more than $5,000. This was a time of economic inequality with the majority of the population earning less than that amount.

The percentage of African Americans living in large cities is now approximately?

More than half of all African Americans now live in central cities.

Are there more whites than blacks on welfare?

There are more white Americans than black Americans receiving welfare benefits in the United States. This is primarily due to the larger percentage of the white population in the country. However, when looking at the proportion of each group that receives welfare, black Americans are more likely to be on welfare compared to white Americans.

What percentage of Americans weigh 500 pounds or more?

Less than 1% of Americans weigh 500 pounds or more. Obesity rates in the United States have been increasing, but the percentage of individuals weighing 500 pounds or more is still very low.

What is the Percentage of African American Doctors?

More than 30,000 pysicians are African Americans, that is 4 percent according to the Census Bureau.

What percentage of Americans live off welfare from the government?

According to answers found on google: 1.7% of Americans require more than 50% of aid to get by. 8.3% receive SOME aid to get by,....

What percentage of Americans are Islamic?

Percentage of Muslims Americans is less than 1% according to Pew Forum study as of October 2009; totalling less than 2.5 millions. See link below.

Is there more native Americans than Americans?

Probably not. The Europeans took over America, so there are probably more Americans, than native Americans.