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Q: What percentage of Canadians make over 150k?
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What percentage of the population earns over 150k?


What percentage of Canadians in the GTA make over 100000 dollars per year?


How many percentage of the Canadians from Europe?

Over 3/4 of Canadians can trace their ancestry to Europe.

How much do software salesman make?

150k to 300k (good year over quota )

How many Canadians make over 100K per year?

As of 2021, approximately 8% of Canadians earn over $100,000 per year. This number may vary slightly depending on the data source and economic conditions.

As the percentage of people living in Canada and cities continues to grow one problem that Canadians do not face is .?

Preventing over crowding

What percentage of Americans make over 150k?

About 10% of Americans have an annual household income of over $150,000.

What is the percentage on immigrants in Canada in 2008?

77% --------------------- Depends on area but over all most Canadians are first or second generation. First generation Canadians, including those who have not yet been granted citizenship (we assume they will) is approx 25% of our population.

What to east Canadians eat?

Canadians eat food from all over the world.

How much do anesthesiologists make in Oregon?

They make about over 190k+ but specifically in your state it would be 210k+ but also starting salary counts though it'll be typically in the 150k area because it's starting

What percentage of Americans make over 200k?


What kind of oil is safe to add to a Volvo 1989 station wagon 740 GL automatic has over 150k miles?

Volvo recommends using a synthetic oils that is 30/5. They have 30/5 oils for vehicles over 150k miles that work just fine.