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60% to 75% of trash can typically be recycled. Much of household trash is recyclable.

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Q: What percentage of trash can typically be recycled?
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What are dump trucks typically used for?

Dump trucks are typically used to either bring trash to the dump or to take trash from the local dump to a waste deposit. They are also sometimes used to carry recycled material.

What percent of household trash can be recycled?

About 70% of trash that is thrown out could have been recycled?

What percentage of other organic is not recycled?

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100% of people in Colorado recycle, because when you throw something in the trash, it most likely gets recycled automaticly by the department of waste.

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When you delete item from inbox, it is recycled as trash. You can recover the mails from trash. Trash is like the recycle bin of windows.

What percentage of wate in Singapore is recycled?

45% of solid waste in Singapore is recycled

How can recycled materials be gathered?

by going through your trash everyday o je

How does trash get to a Recycling Center?

By you recycling. A truck takes all the rubbish there to be recycled.

What are the disadvantages of non-biodegradable products?

They are not recycled into new things - they stay trash.