To become an actuary you need to take physical science,information technology and accountig as well as mathematics and not mathematical literacy.
omer morshed at the age of 19 in 1969
A person who wants to be an actuary would have working knowledge of mathematics-including calculus, probability, and statistics-and has demonstrated this knowledge by passing one or two actuarial exams required for professional designation. A degree in finance, mathematics and business would help build the skills needed for success in the field.
What is a associate actuary?
Typically it takes approximately four years (bachelors degree). If you live in Canada or America, graduate work is not needed. Actuaries are qualifed by exams while they are working as an actuary, after they achieve their bachelors degree in math, statistics, actuarial science, or another quanitiative field. For more information, go to:
Subjects needed are physics and math.
Yeah how do you become a actuary?
He wanted to become an actuary after he finished his business course. The insurance company needed a new acturary as they were getting busier.
The school subjects needed to become a child psychologist are: social, reading and understandment. You can also just go to college for it.
Mathematics and English
Subjects needed to become a lyricist are music classes and appreciation. Other subjects that should be taken are sheet music and business as it relates to music.
maths and physics
bilogy is needed the most, a little bit of chemistry, maths and P.E