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Correlation cannot accurately describe any type of curve. The correlation of a curve would be a linear approximation rather than an accurate description of the data. Giving a function would more accurately describe data that lies on a curve.

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Q: What type of correlation is one that curved?
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Is a curved line a correlation?

Yes, but not a linear correlation.

What type of correlation do you have when are is equal to one?

A correlation coefficient of 1 (r=1) is a perfect positive correlation.

Auto correlation and cross correlation?

Auto correlation is the correlation of one signal with itself. Cross correlation is the correlation of one signal with a different signal.

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There is no correlation.

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Fossils that are the most useful for correlation tend to be found in various types of rocks, are widespread, and easy to recognize. One rock type where fossils are found is sedimentary rocks.

When you have a scatter plot and you have to choose a correlation I know Positive Negative and no correlation are options Is moderate correlation an option?

Yes. * A positive correlation is when the dependant variable increases as the independent one does. * A negative correlation is when the dependant variable decreases as the independent one increases. * Perfect correlation is when all the points lie along a straight line; no correlation is when the points lie all over the place. In calculating the correlation coefficient it can have a value between -1 and 1, with 0 indication no correlation and values between 0 and ±1 showing a greater correlation until ±1 which is perfect correlation. Moderate correlation would be one of these intermediate values, eg ±0.5, which shows the points are moderately related.

Does a sphere a one curved face?

A sphere has just one curved face.