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A pie chart is one way. But it is not suitable if there are too many categories or if any of them are very large or very small.

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Q: What type of graph is best for plotting the percentages of a whole value in a data set?
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Which of the following types of graphs is best for plotting the percentages of a whole value in a data set?

simply a "Pie" Graph because of the circle like shape it lets you separate the necessaries and still manages to keep a total once separated.

Which graph uses percentages to relate the parts of a whole?

Circle Graph

What kind of graph uses percentages to relate the parts to the whole?

circle graph

What graph uses percentages to relate the parts to the whole?


What shows part of the whole?

Fractions and percentages show the parts of the whole.

What type of graph shows data as parts or percentages of a whole?

pie chart

Which type of graph is best for displaying percentages or parts of a whole?

Often, the pie chart.

What kind of data use pie graph?

For any data that can be best expressed as percentages of a whole, a pie chart or pie graph is appropriate.

What type of data can be displayed on a pie graph and on a bar graph?

A pie chart, also known as a circle graph, shows categorical data using percentages. A bar graph shows categorical data using whole numbers.

What shows parts or percentages of a whole?

A pie chart is one example of showing the fraction of the whole. A bar graph can do the same by showing data above and below a base line. The base line representing the whole.

What percentages are used to relate the parts to the whole?

Used to relate parts or percentages to the whole

Which type of graph is best to show the percentage of gases in earth atmosphere?

A pie chart is often the best type of graph to show percentages.