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It depends on the kind of data you have, but a scatter plot or bar graph would be best.

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Q: What type of graph would you use for comparing 2 similar kinds of data?
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What graph would be best for comparing?

If they things you are comparing part of a whole, pie graph. If not, bar graph.

What type of graph do you use when you are comparing things that is not a double bar graph?

you would use a line graph

What graph would you use to determine something?

Any graph can be used to determine something!

What kind of graph would be used for comparing?

a venn diagram

When would you choose a bar graph to present data?

when i am comparing data

What kind of data would you record in a bar graph?

You use it when you are comparing data.

What kind of graph should be used by comparing the cost of 4 bicycles?

a bar graph would be best I might say

What type of graph would you use to show comparisons?

Bar charts are good for comparing related items. Answer: for Excel it is best known as a column chart.

How would you compare yourself to something?

Comparing means finding things that are similar and different. Make a list for whatever it is you're comparing yourself to. How are you similar to that thing and how are you different?

What type of article would you find a circle graph in?

you could find it in a comparing and contrasting article

What are the 7 kinds of graph?

There are many kinds of graph, 7 would you believe! They are as follows: -The Dick Van Dyke -The mullet -The John Wayne -There is no number 4 -The Ohio -The Pie chart

Why would you use a line graph for population?

A line graph would be used for population [change] because you are showing how the population increases or decreases over time. If you are talking about comparing different populations at one given time, then a bar graph or pi chart would be used.