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then there would only be a 1. and there would be no 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 digit numbers onlya one digit number. and there would be only 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,numbers to use not 10, 20,30,40 ,50 ,60,70,80,90,100 because they need zeros

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Q: What would happen if number zero was not there?
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What would happen to your number system if there was no zero?

no 'Divide By Zero' errors. WOOT!!

What would happen if you divided by zero?


What happen when you add zero to a number?

When you add zero to a number, the number does not change. Ex: 5+0=5 5+2+0=7

Why is any number divided by zero not a number?

Because division is asking how many of the number x would I give out to y groups, zero would represent y, how many of x would you give out to zero groups? My answer would be zero.

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To find the answer all you do is add a zero to the number.

How do you say this number 0.020?

You would say this number as "zero point zero two zero" or "zero point zero two."

What number would not have a reciprocal?

The number zero.

What is the sum if zero is added to a whole number?

If zero is added to a whole number the answer would be the whole number because zero is the same as nothing

What number is actually possible to divide in half to create zero?

All mathematical operations are reversible and if you were correct then doubling zero would give you that number and the only number that fits both bills would be zero itself. So zero halved is zero and zero doubled is also zero.

What would happen if zero was not invented?

No trade and commerce would have been possible.

What is the first number above zero?

There is no first number above 0. If x was considered to be the first number above zero then x/2 would be above zero but nearer to it. And then half that number would be above zero and nearer still. And so on.

What is the slope when you get a zero on top?

The slope when you get a zero on top would be zero. Zero divided by any number is zero.