If, in a frequency distribution, the initial class interval is indeterminate at its beginning and/or the final class interval is indeterminate at its end, the distribution is said to possess "open ended" classes.
to quickly and effectively represent data
It varies widely, from year to year, but on average Mississippi gets about 45 tornadoes per year.
I'm not sure what the question means but here we go with an answer. Open ended questions are one that when asked can not be answer with a simple yes or no. The answerer must elaborate, explain and otherwise embellish in order to give an answer. To ask an open ended question you don't as "why" but rather "what" and "how". Until you get used to asking such questions a good idea to write them down down ahead of time until the become second nature to you. There are statistical programs that can categorize open-ends. You could then create a chart based on the number of comments in each category.
The first Century ended at the end of the year 100.The second Century ended at the end of the year 200.The third Century ended at the end of the year 300.......The seventh Century ended at the end of the year 700.The eighth Century ended at the end of the year 800.The year 721 AD was in the eighth Century.
WW II ended in the year 1945.
It ended in 1994.
The civil war ended in 1865. That is the best answer it can get for the year it ended.
It ended in april 1950
The night, when the year ended.
The Amstel Playwright of the Year Award ended in 2003.
It ended in 1799 (the revolution started in 1789).
What a Year ended on 2007-08-06.
The Rebel Year ended in 2009.