Fibonacci was born in Pisa, Italy.
The sum of the previous two numbers in the series.
The Fibonacci numbers is a series of numbers that are found in nature and other things. The series goes 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 and so on. You just add the last two numbers in the series. 0+1=1, 1+1=2, 2+1=3, and so on.
No ! Fibonacci numbers are in a special sequence, omitting many other consecutive numbers in between that don't fit the Fibonacci series. Lotto number are random. The range of numbers differs in different 'lotto' lotteries. A national lotto, for example, may use only the numbers from 1 to 49. The numbers are chosen by a random process, perhaps by having a ball marked with each number. The balls are drawn at random. When five balls have been drawn, the five numbers, sorted into numerical order, lowest first, become the winning lottery 'number'. Another lottery may simply use a sequence of numbers generated randomly by a computer. Regardless of the method used to create the winning number, the Fibonacci series is totally irrelevant to the process and result.
21. This is the Fibonacci series.
Fibonacci was born in Pisa, Italy.
He lived [Fibonacci(10) + Fibonacci(8) + Fibonacci(6)] years
Fibonacci accomplished: doing paintings and also invented Fibonacci numbers. Fibonacci traveled to some Mediterranean countries, to study the most important Arab mathematicians at that time. Fibonacci ended his travels around the year 1200 and at that time he returned to Pisa. Originally in the year 1202, Fibonacci was presented with a problem of how quickly the rabbit population will grow in ideal conditions.
he wasn't born in a hospitle. he was born in a house
born in 1009 and died in 1089
Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci was born in Pisa, Italy, around 1170. He was also known as Leonardo of Pisa.
ca. 1170-1250
He was a famous mathematician , Fibonacci was born in Pisa in 1175AD. He was famous for his number sequence all to do with nature and us.
Very few details are known of Fibonacci's life; we can't even say for sure in which decades his birth and death occurred, much less the year, month or day. He was born about 1170, and died about 1250.
There is the Fibonacci sequence but what is the Fibonacci code?