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Q: Which livestock population has increased by the greatest percentage in the last 40 years?
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The Moose Jaw population in 2001 was: 32,131, and in 2006 it was: 32,132. The population increased by one person.

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Asia is the continent with the greatest population and geographical size. It is home to approximately 60% of the world's population and is the largest continent in terms of land area.

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In 1870, the area with the greatest population density was the city of Manila in the Philippines.

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Asia has the greatest total population of all continents, with over 4.6 billion people.

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California has the greatest population of men in the United States.

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The area likely to see the greatest percentage increase in urban population due to the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad is the western United States, particularly areas along the railroad route such as California, Oregon, and Utah. The railroad helped facilitate easier transportation and access to these regions, leading to rapid urban growth and development.