A bound report is one where it is put togeter in a binder, an unbound report just has a paperclip or a staple at the left top side.. Bound= bound to the binder ;)
A summary report tells you, in brief form, what happened, usually without details. An exception report tells you, often with details, anything UNUSUAL (or undesired) that happened.
The grading report or the diamond certificate enlists the individual characteristics of a particular diamond stone. To ensure the genuineness of diamond jewelry, it is important to demand its grading report from the seller before buying.
What is the importance of the level of significance of study findings in a quantitative research report
Technical Deviation Report
The color red is used to indicate the level on a SITREP report that defines an area that has been reduced in strength. Green and amber indicate levels that are performing at or above expected strength.
Red represents 59% percent fit for duty on the Sitrep report.
On Line 6 of a sitrep, reduced strength of 80-89 percent is amber, 60-79 percent is red, and black is for less than 60 percent fit for duty.
its not green
Red indicates reduced strength 59% or less fit for duty.
A situation (SITREP) report is used by the army to analyze a unitÃ?s current and diplomatic position. Green is defined as 80% or more fit for duty/full strength, amber is 80-89%, red 60-79%, black 59% or less.
Sitrep report 59% or less fit for duty