

Best Answer

if your in a+ , its HPV.

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German Haag

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2y ago
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Q: Which std is so common that 50 percent of sexually active adults contract at some point in their lifetime?
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What std is so common that 50 percent of sexually active adults contract it at some point in there lifetime?


What is the percentage of interracial sex among sexually active white male teens?

25% of sexually white male teens have had sex with a black girl

What are the odds of a 16 year old male impregnating a 15 year old female if they are sexually active and don't use a condom?

Odds are high. Unfortunately, it happens all the time. Kids who are too irresponsible to use contraceptive end up with babies which they are too irresponsible to raise well. If you're too immature to go buy some contraceptive and USE it, then keep your pants on.

If the retention rate in July is 90 percent what is the annualized percentage rate of retention?

Retention rate should not be annualized like turnover. Retention is based on specific individuals for a specific measurement period, i.e.Retention should being calculated as indicated below: # of Associates remaining Active at the end of the measurement period that were Active at the beginning of the measurement period/ # of Associates at the beginning of the measurement period. **The actual Associate that was employed as of the first day of the measurement period is taken into account not the number of hires that may have been termed during the measurement period.

How do you calculate persistency in insurance?

Persistency Formula= No. of Clients Paying the Premium / Net Active Clients * 100Net Active Clients Formula = Total Clients - (Clients in Freelook + Surrender + Death)

Related questions

What std is so common that 50 percent of sexually active adults contract it at some point in there lifetime?


What percent sexually active teens contract STD each year?

50% you welcome

Which std is so common that 50 percent of sexually active adults contract it at some point in their lifetimes?

if your in a+ , its HPV.

Who can contract aids?

ANYBODY who is sexually active can contract Aids.

What percentage of teens are sexually active apex?

About 50 percent

About what percent of teens are sexually active?

It depends what country you are in. In America if I am not mistaken its about 34% in Europe most of the rates are closer to 70%.

What type of food can make you sexually active?

There are no foods that can make someone sexually active.

How can you tell if someone is not sexually active?

You generally can't. There aren't any visible signs of being sexually active or not being sexually active, unless you see them in the act.

Was Albert Einstein sexually active?

Yes. In fact he was extremely active. He was by far the most sexually active scientist of his time.

How many teens are sexually active.?

Nearly 3 of every 10 Teenagers are sexually active according to MSNBC

Is it a must for one to be sexually active?

It is not essential to be sexually active. Many people have remained celibate throughout their life.

When someone wasn't sexually active and became when he married you after 4 years does he loose that and become less sexually active?

It happens.