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Q: Who is father of statistics?
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Father of statistics?

father of statistics

Who is the father of statistics?

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Who is adolf quetelet?

He is not the father of MODERN STATISTICS:)

Who was the father of modern statistics?

it's Sir Ronald A. Fisher, dude..

Why is Sir Ronald Fisher considered to be the father of modern statistics?

Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher, FRS (1890 - 1962) was an English statistician, evolutionary biologist, and geneticist. Richard Dawkins described him as "The greatest of Darwin's successors", and the historian of statistics Anders Hald said "Fisher was a genius who almost single-handedly created the foundations for modern statistical science".His contributions to experimental design, analysis of variance, and likelihood based methods have led some to call him "The Father of Statistics".

Who is father of Indian statistics?

Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher, FRS (1890 - 1962) was an English statistician, evolutionary biologist, and geneticist. Richard Dawkins described him as "The greatest of Darwin's successors", and the historian of statistics Anders Hald said "Fisher was a genius who almost single-handedly created the foundations for modern statistical science".His contributions to experimental design, analysis of variance, and likelihood based methods have led some to call him "The Father of Statistics".

What are the main branches of statistics?

The two main branches of statistics is Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.

Types of statistics?

There are two types of statistics. One is called descriptive statistics and the other is inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics is when you use numbers. Inferential statistics is when you draw conclusions or make predictions.

What is the definition for Psychological Statistics?

Psychological statistics is the application of statistics to psychology.

Distinguish between statistics plural and statistics singular?

The statistics (pl.) indicate that statistics (sing.) is a pseudo-science.

What is differential statistics?

Differential statistics are statistics that use calculus. Normally statistics would use algebra but differential statistics uses calculus instead of algebra.