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Q: Why are boys better at maths than girls?
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Are girls better at math than boys?

Its not about gender. I am in the top maths class just now, and there are the pretty much the same amount of boys as there are girls. It's about the individual person, && how hard they are willing to work.

Do girls better than boys yes girls are better than boys?

answerno boys are not better than girls because girls are smarter than the boys(noooooo!!!!)

Who is better at the stroop effect boys or girls?

Girls are better than boys because they developoed faster than the boys did

Are boys better mathematicans than girls?

According to test result ts in the last decade boys have exceeded in maths whilst girls have dropped. The girls however have increased their test result scores in Sciences and English. Boys have been increasing in maths for many years now and are expected to continue to increase.

Give an exmple of sexism?

Boys are better than Girls and Girls are better than Boys.

Are boys better at math then girls?

Science proves that women are academically smarter than men.

Do girls have better interpersonal skills than boys?

yes, all girls by nature are better than boys.

Are boys better at everything and girls are not?

There are some things that boys tend to be better at than girls, and some things that girls tend to be better at than boys. Viva la difference!

Are boys better than girls or the other way around?

Ofcourse girls are better than boys. There is no doubt in it. Right girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, go girls. I bet boys agree with that.

Are boys better in studies than girls?

no girls are better sdudents

Who has qiucker reflexes - boys or girls?

girls have better reflexes than boys

Are boys beter than girls?

boys are better than girls because when they become adults girls usually cook and boys work