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A stem requires more strength and structure, which sclerenchyma and collenchyma provide, than leaves.

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Q: Why does a stem contain more sclerenchyma and collenchyma than a leaf?
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What three functions does ground tissue perform?

Ground tissue in plants is simply the tissue that isn't vascular or dermal. It can be divided into three categories: Parenchyma, which aids in photosynthesis and food storage, collenchyma, supporting young stems and roots, and sclerenchyma, providing more rigid support.

What are the basic functions of the sclerenchyma tissue?

parenchyma tissue is composed of parenchyma cells,it has thick walls and is the living things is the site of photosynthesis, bcoz it contain store products of photosynthesis also has octagon shape. collenchyma tissues era composed of collenchyma cells and they are the living has thickened walls that are more than parechyma provide tensile strength to the has thick corners. sclerenchyma tissue are composed of sclerenchyma cells,it develop from secondary walls of the provide mechanical support to the plant

Why do succulent plants contain a large amount of parenchyma tissue?

Parenchyma cells store mostly water, nutrients, carbohydrates, and are very light and easily breakable unlike the cells of collenchyma or sclerenchyma. This means they can be eaten much more easily. For example, a cucumber is made up of mostly parenchyma cells and is very chewable and "succulent", while celery has many collenchyma cells, (those tough chewy strings that you find after biting into a celery.

What is the difference between parenchyma and collenchyma?

PARENCHYMA: 1) the tissue consists of thin-walled living cells. 2) it is distributed in almost all the parts of the plant body . 3) the living cells of parenchyma assimilate and store food .They also store waste products. 4) It contain dense cytoplasm. 5) Intercellular spaces may or may not be present. COLLENCHYMA: 1)the tissue consists of cells having localized thickening in their cell walls 2)it occurs mostly in the aerial parts of the plants restricted to the other layers 3)collenchyma is the chief mechanical tissue of the young parts of the plant particularly in the young dicotyledonous stems. in parenchyma cells are thin walled having intercellular spaces.and in collenchyma cells are thick walled having the absence of intercellular spaces. 4) It contain cellulose and pectin. 5) Intercellular spaces are totally absent. 6) Collenchyma is present in peripheral regions.

Which leaf would contain more chlorophyll a dark green leaf or a light green leaf Is this a trick question?

this is not a trick question it just needs thought a dark green leaf would have more chlorophyll because chlorophyll is the substance that causes the leaf to turn green

How are woody and non-woody stems different?

Woody stem tissues are mainly composed of the ground tissue called "sclerenchyma." This type of tissue has two cell walls, which can provide more support for the large mass of the tree. Sclerenchyma tissue provides support for only mature plants, like old trees and large sunflowers. Woody stems also have lateral meristem, which causes the plants to grow thicker every year, which gives it support and makes it stronger. Non-woody stem tissues, on the other hand, are made primarily of parenchyma and collenchyma tissues. Both of these tissues have one cell wall, but the cell wall of the collenchyma tissues ate thicker than those of the parenchyma tissues. The parenchyma is primarily used for photosynthesis, storage, and the healing of wounds. On the other hand, collenchyma is used for strengthening the plant for growth, but it only has one cell wall, so it is not as strong as the sclerenchyma. Due to the fact that woody stems have the second cell walls, it fortifies them more and makes them a lot stronger.

How are coniferous forests and deciduous forest are diffident?

tend to contain more broad leaf evergreen trees

What is the difference between leaf and leave?

"Leaf" is singular - one leaf. "Leaves" is plural - more than one leaf.

What is a compound leaf?

A compound leaf is a leaf branch that has more than one individual leaf on it. This leaf branch can have as little as three leaves and as many as twelve.

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What part has more stomata?

leaf of plant Dorsal side of a leaf

What is a varigated leaf?

A varigated leaf is a leaf that has more than one color, like green and white. a leaf that has color aside from green