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Q: A football team scores one touchdown for 6 points and three field goals for 3 points each How many points do they have in total?
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Related questions

How do you call it when a footballer scores?

A field goal and is worth 3 points if you want to know

How many point is touch down?

It is usually 14 points depending on whether you make the field goal. A touchdown is 6 points and if you make the field goal then it is 7 points total. So if you make another touchdown on top of that it would be 14 points.

Rules on scorekeeping for football?

Touchdown - 6 points Extra Point (Point after touchdown) - 1 point Two Point Conversion (after touchdown) - 2 points Field Goal - 3 point Safety - 2 points

In Canadian football how many points does a team get for a touchdown?

In both Canadian and American football as touchdown gets the team two points. In Canadian football the field is larger and the team has twelve players instead of the American team that has eleven.

How can a football team score 15 points?

You can get 15 points on football by (note if I don't mention anything with a touchdown, then there is no extra points involved):1 touchdown with field goal (7), 1 touchdown with conversion (8)1 touchdown with field goal (7), 1 touchdown (6), 1 safety (2)2 touchdowns (12), 1 field goal (3)1 touch down with field goal (7), 2 field goals (6), 1 safety (2)5 field goals (15)6 safeties (12), 1 field goal (3)4 safeties (8), 1 touchdown with field goal (7)3 safeties (6), 1 touchdown (6), field goal (3)3 field goals (9), 1 touchdown (6)2 field goals (6), 1 touchdown with field goal (7), 1 safety (2)1 touchdown with conversion (8), 2 safeties (4), 1 field goal (3)

What are the points in football?

2 for a saftey, 3 for a field goal, 6 for a touchdown, 1 for the extra point

How is the points scored in football?

You can make a touchdown for 6pts or you can make a field goal for 3 and you can make a 1pt conversion.

Can you score a field goal without a touchdown in the NFL?

Scoring a field goal in American football cannot be done in conjunction with a touchdown. They are two independent ways of scoring. You may have meant can you score an "extra point" without a touchdown. In American football, extra points (1 or 2 depending on type of play), can only happen in conjunction with a touchdown. In Canadian football, they may be scored under circumstances not related to a touchdown.

What is an unanswered score in football?

It's when one teams scores and the other teams tries but doesn't "match" or "answer" the touchdown or field goal made by that team.

In football once you make a touchdown is that six points?

Yes, and then you can make a field goal for an extra point which makes seven

How much is one goal in football?

1. Football (soccer): 1 goal=1 point Football (American) 1touchdown=6points 1 fieldgoal after touchdown=1 point 1 two point conversion= 2 points 1 field goal before scoring a touchdown= 3 points 1 saftey= 2 points

How many points are in a touchdown in football?

When you score a touchdown in American football, Six points are awarded. You then have the choice to either kick the ball ball through the goalposts for one extra point, or run another play for two extra points.