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You have to add or subtract the points gained and you have to add the completion of yards.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Gaining and losing yards is addition and subtraction.

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Q: How is math used in football?
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How are football related to math?

because math is used for everything in football if u run a 5 yard and in u have to cut at a 90 degree angle or just gaining a yard or scoring. math is used in football for everything because math is used for everything in football if u run a 5 yard and in u have to cut at a 90 degree angle or just gaining a yard or scoring. math is used in football for everything

What math skills are used in football?

There are several math skills used in football. Some of the skills used include addition, subtraction, percentages, statistics, and measurements.

Is Math Used in Professional Football?

Yes they have to count how many yards they run or throw

How is math used in coaching football?

Math is not very important in coaching football. You have to know how many yards are needed for a first down, but the score board usually tells you that, as well as the down, how much time is left and the score. However, this does not mean that math is not important to a football coach. A football coach is also a human being and has to live in the world when he not out on the football field. He has to make financial decisions for example.

How do you use math in football?

Math can be used in a various ways in football. Here are just some examples: - calculating the probability of making a touchdown with each of the plays - figuring out how far the football is from the end zone - finding statistics for each team in order to determine the amount of difficulty

How are football and math related?

They are related because in football you have to find the angle to throw it and in math u have to find angles too

How is football use math?

So football players know where to go

Do football players need math?

Yes, they do need math. Perhaps for their paycheck.

Does football relate to math?

yes math and football is like a couple they both need each other they can't live with each other.

Why sports makes you better in math?


In what jobs is math used i have to do a research for math class?

in all different jobs like eing a laywer,football player,police officer,bueaty stylist, because of checks and money

What math classes are needed for nfl football player?

Math classes up to and including geometry,