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For international matches, the dimensions of a soccer field are 330 to 360 feet long by 210 to 240 feet wide. Let's use the largest dimension ... 360 feet by 240 feet. That field would be 86,400 square feet. An acre has a size of 43,560 square feet. So an international match sized soccer field would fit snugly on two acres of land.

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17y ago
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13y ago

I don't know if there are any laws or township regulations but it really depends on the dimensions. Figure a full size soccer field is approximately 2 acres, and you will want some space between them. 103 acres is quite a stretch unless you're building big stadiums and a parking lot for each Haha

103 acers of land

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10y ago

You will need at least a solid 3 acres to build a football field. This is so that you can hold the bleachers as well as the field.

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12y ago

An average football pitch is about 1.8 acres, the smallest acceptable pitch would be about 1.2 acres and the largest pitch about 3.0 acres.

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14y ago

If you make a 100yd by 60yd field, it would need 326 fields to be filled.

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13y ago


How big do u want it

- need





changing rooms


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13y ago

A soccer field is around 1.98 acres

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13y ago

500 acres

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