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A ball thrown at 55mph will take ~.558 seconds to go 45 feet.

A ball will take ~.558 seconds to travel 54 feet at a speed of 66mph.

So, the 55mph pitch from 45 feet is simulating 66mph from 54 feet.

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Q: If a baseball is pitched 55 mph from a distance of 45 feet what would that speed simulate from a distance of 54 feet?
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No...If the softball was pitched from a distance of 43 feet it is equivalent to a ball thrown just over 95 mph from a distance of 60' 6" which is the pitching distance in major league baseball. If the 68 mph pitch was thrown from 40 feet then it is equal to a 102 plus mph pitch at 60 feet 6 inches. Because speed is the relevance of time and distance then a ball thrown from 2 different distances and takes the same amount of time to travel each distance means the further of which will have to travel faster to cover more distance.

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Does a pitched baseball have a long wavelength or a short wavelength?

A pitched baseball has a short wavelength. The wavelength of an object is inversely proportional to its speed, so a baseball traveling at high speeds will have a short wavelength.

What is speed formula?

Speed= distance / time distance = speed x time time = distance / speed

Distance divided by speed?

speed = distance / time so distance / speed = time

What is speed measured as?

speed over distance or speed/Distance.

Is 21.1 mi fast?

21.1 mi. is not a speed, it is a distance.21.1 mi. is not a speed, it is a distance.21.1 mi. is not a speed, it is a distance.21.1 mi. is not a speed, it is a distance.

Find the speed in feet per second of a baseball pitched at 87mph?

87 mph equates to 127.6 feet per second.