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Well if you are ranking the players by there ability, then the first outside is better than the second outside. If you are talking about how many outside are on a team, then there is no difference. You need at least two outside hitters on every team, that way when one outside hitter rotates to the back row, the other rotates to the front row!

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Q: Is there a difference between first and second outside hitters in volleyball?
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What are the posisons in volleyball?

-Outside hitters (both front and back) -Setter -Libero -Right side hitter -Middle blocker

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No, there is no difference between an inside and outside barrel. Doran is an idiot

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The three front row players in volleyball are generally hitters, and at some points, there are two hitters and one setter. The hitter to the far left of the court, from the players perspective, is called an outside hitter, or OH for short. The hitters in the middle and at the right are simply called middle hitters and right side hitters, or MH and RS.

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Because there are six positions. 1-serving position & in a 6-2 rotation its the setters home(base position) 2-RIght side hitter 3-Middle blocker 4-Outisde Hitter 5- Left Backpasser 6- Middle back- passer

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If not serious it should serve and return the ball. If playing with a position you should accomplish your position. For example the setter needs the set the outside hitters to spike.

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The main difference between the outside and inside of bone is; the inside of a bone is bone mallow, whereas the outside of a bone is covered by flesh.

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The main difference between the outside and inside of bone is; the inside of a bone is bone mallow, whereas the outside of a bone is covered by flesh.

How many volleyball teams are there?

There are 8 types of players:The Setter: The person who sets up the ball for the attack hitters.Libero: The most skilled defender in the team and only is allowed in the back court.Middle Blockers (defense)/ Middle Attackers (Attack): Players that can attack very fast near the setter and can block very well.Outside hitters/Left Side hitters: These people attack from the left side of the antenna. The outside hitter is known as the most powerful hitter in the game.Opposite Hitters/Right Side hitters: These players are the defense of the team, it's their responsibility to block the opposing Outside hitters.

Should you play volleyball outside?

Probably Not, because...

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