Generally, it is known as the key, and officially known as the free throw lane.
Each pair of chromatids is attached at an area called a centromere.
The area of land drained by a river and its tributaries is called a drainage basin. They are separated from each other by an area of higher ground called a watershed or divide. This watershed determines the direction in which water flows.
Technically just one. You should be picking it up each time it lands.
each pair of cromatids is attached at an area called the Centromere.
Each individual area is called a region and each region is associated with a well known constellation.
One point for each successfully made free throw.
The numbers placed in front of each reactant and product to balance the equation are called coefficients. These coefficients help ensure that the number of atoms for each element is the same on both sides of the chemical equation.
Front of house in a restaurant refers to the area and people you can see on your average visit. The host stand and hosts, bar and bartenders, dining area and servers, and even the bussers.
Drainage basins are separated from each other by an area of higher ground called a divide. This divide helps to direct water within a specific drainage basin, preventing water from flowing into neighboring basins.
This is called a putting green. It can also be called a practice green.
When a warm air mass and a cold air mass stall and remain stationary over an area, it is called a stationary front. This can lead to persistent and prolonged periods of weather, often bringing extended periods of precipitation or clear skies depending on the location of the front.