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Let's get this straight- there is no correct way to shoot a Basketball. There are wrong ways to shoot basketball (e.g. with one hand, using both hands all the way, etc.), but no right or correct ways. Everyone starts out shooting their own way, and this way usually is correct. If you continue to shoot that way and the shot works for you, and works for you means that you don't get blocked often, stolen from, and don't take longer than 1.5 seconds to shoot, than you should be fine with your shooting form.

First, make sure your right foot is slightly ahead of your left (or vice-versa.) Next, make sure you are holding the ball with your shooting hand right behind it and your other hand on the side making somewhat of a T shape. Make sure you use your legs!!! After a while of practice it will become natural. That's when muscle memory kicks in!! GOOD LUCK!!

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13y ago
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11y ago

7 keys of shooting:

1. feet = base which means that your feet should be shoulder withe apart.

2. knees = bent make sure your knees are bent

3. elbows = over knee under ball which means your elbow is suppose to be over your knee and under the ball

4. wrist = wrinkles and that means you should see wrinkles on your wrist before shooting

5. hands = space that means when you have the ball about to shoot you can see air through a hole this means you have to hold it with your finger tips.

6. eyes= radar which means that you put your eyes on one small point like a nail at the back of the rim and you dont take your eyes off the one point

7. follow through = cookie jar; it's like when you were little and you brought your hands up so high on the counter so you could grab a cookie out of the jar on the counter.

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16y ago

There is no right way to shoot. If you ever watch NBA games or college games, even high school games for that matter, you will notice that everyone shoots differently. There are wrong ways to shoot, but no right way.

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14y ago

== == == == To be honest with you, there is no "best" way to shoot the basketball. There are ways that are better than others, but there is no best way. Everyone starts out with some sort of shot with their own special stroke. If that way works for you and you don't get blocked very easily or often, than that way is the right way to you. The good techniques of every shot contain a good arc, a follow through, and good elevation.

The best way to shoot a basketball is to make an L with what ever arm you shoot with. When you are about to shoot the basketball, put the ball right at the corner or right at the front of your head. Next bend your knees and target the goul, then jump. Right when you stop in the air and you are about to come down you release the ball.

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17y ago

yes, there actually is. right hand should be under the ball and the left on the side just supporting the ball there. make sure both the hands and ball are over your head. watch some basketball videos on and you will see.

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13y ago

The easier way to shoot is to move your feet apart slightly not to much because you will look very small and this will make it harder to shoot. So the easiest way is to spread your feet slightly as i said before! and make your arm in a C shape with the ball in your hand, and bounce and shoot that's the way i find easiest some other people might disagree but that's the way I do it.

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16y ago

Well, there really is a correct way based on simple physics. Hold the ball in your strong hand.(left,right) Make sure your pointer and middle finger make a V around the little hole in the ball (pin hole) Have your feet apart with the foot the same as your strong hand slightly in front of the other. Bend your knees. Most of your power comes from your knees. Jump and shoot, making the bball go up and dip down into the basket like a rainbow.

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16y ago

The best way to dribble a basketball is to have bent knees, while your arm is at 2'o clock position on an average clock and to use the other arm to protect the ball from being intercepted.

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15y ago

The easiest way is to take the basketball to an approved area for shooting. Place the basketball on a raised platform. Stand back at least 15 feet and begin firing at it.

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What is the form way to shoot a basketball?

the best way to shoot a basketball is to keep your knees bent and elbows in

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If you shoot it wrong you will probably miss

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No. You just need correct form unless you're doing some kind of crazy thing from way far away.

What is the best way to shoot a basketball through history?

There is a book called 'Basketball for Dummies' that will have all the answers to your questions.

Are there any websites that can help you learn how to shoot a basketball correctly?

Just remember this: there is no correct way to shoot a basketball. Anyway that you can shoot is correct. There are no specific websites. There are some videos that you can buy that can help you learn how to shoot better, but no specific website. I am a basketball player and I get help with my shooting touch by looking on youtube. Type in a good shooter's name or someone who shoots vaguely similar to you. Look at their shot, pause the video if you need to, and study how they shoot it. Some great examples of excellent shooters are Peja Stojakovic, J.J. Redick, Ray Allen, and Reggie Miller. Remember, it all depends on how you shoot originally. Good place to get some great tips is on YouTube just search "tips on shooting a basketball" you can only learn it by practicing it more and more.

What the best way to shoot a basketball?

== == == == To be honest with you, there is no "best" way to shoot the Basketball. There are ways that are better than others, but there is no best way. Everyone starts out with some sort of shot with their own special stroke. If that way works for you and you don't get blocked very easily or often, than that way is the right way to you. The good techniques of every shot contain a good arc, a follow through, and good elevation. The best way to shoot a basketball is to make an L with what ever arm you shoot with. When you are about to shoot the basketball, put the ball right at the corner or right at the front of your head. Next bend your knees and target the goul, then jump. Right when you stop in the air and you are about to come down you release the ball.

Did basketball players back then shoot granny style?

Yes when basketball was just invented players used the " granny shot" method to shoot threes, post shots, and free throws. We dont know why but they just thought thats the way to shoot.

How To Shoot a basketball?

To shoot a basketball you have to bend your knees and push up with your right hand and jump.

What is done with a basketball?

With a basketball you can shoot, dribble, and pass.

What is the place where people shoot a basketball?

a Basketball Court.

What does it mean when a guy says he can teach you to shoot?

it usually just means he wants to help you shoot a basketball, or shoot a gun. Hopefully its the basketball.

How do you shoot a left handed free throw in basketball?

Contrary to what everyone believes, there is no "correct" way to shoot a basketball. This goes for left handed and right handed people. Whatever way works for you is the correct way. First, put your left foot slightly forward (ahead of your right) and make sure your feet are shoulder width apart. Then have your shooting hand (in your case your left) behind the ball [in front of your face] and your right hand on the side, almost making a T shape. Then bend your legs and follow through. USE YOUR LEGS NO JUST YOUR ARMS!!!