Earnings over an individual's lifetime or times for running a half-marathon over a lifetime
If the motion changes, the graph might show a different shape, slope, or position. For example, if the speed increases, the graph might show a steeper slope. If the direction of motion changes, the graph might show negative values or a curve. Any variation in the motion will be reflected in the graph.
The best curve for me might not be the best curve for you. It's about personal preference.
Yes, no and maybe are all possible answers. However, you don't give enough details to tell you which one might be applicable to your situation.
The common way is a CURVE, showing a graph of all the grades. In this way, a student can see where they fall in comparison to classmates. To do this, graph all the grades with the Y axis being frequency, and the X axis as a bar chart with each bar being a grade range. Typically, in a large enough sample, you will see a bell-curve form. Of course, with modern grade inflation, the average is going to be much higher, or the curve might become useless as all the students get As.
Number of calories vs. amount of weight gain. Length of a candle vs. time it is burning. Miles driven vs. gallons of gas used.
The phases of a design process that statistics might be most applicable are is the production stage.
The shape of the graph of acceleration vs. time depends on the type of motion. For example, in free fall, the graph would be a straight line since acceleration is constant. In other cases, the graph might show different patterns, such as curves or step functions, depending on changes in acceleration over time. It's essential to consider the specific motion being analyzed to determine the shape of the graph.
The graph could go on forever while a data table only shows a part of the graph.
Standard curves are used to determine the concentration of substances. First you perform an assay with various known concentrations of a substance you are trying to measure. The response might be optical density, luminescence, fluorescence, radioactivity or something else. Graph these data to make a standard curve - concentration on the X axis, and assay measurement on the Y axis. Also perform the same assay with your unknown samples. You want to know the concentration of the substance in each of these unknown samples. To analyze the data, fit a line or curve through the standards. For each unknown, read across the graph from the spot on the Y-axis that corresponds to the assay measurement of the unknown until you intersect the standard curve. Read down the graph until you intersect the X-axis. The concentration of substance in the unknown sample is the value on the X-axis. In the example below, the unknown sample had 1208 counts per minute, so the concentration of the hormone is 0.236 micromolar. Prism makes it very easy to fit your standard curve, and to read (interpolate) the concentration of unknown samples.
It could be a line graph, bar graph, or a pictograph.
A graph that shows little pictures. If I had a graph about cats I might show cat faces in a picto graph as a form of data, so if there were 10 cats to be displayed in the graph it would be with cat faces and not bars or lines.