

Best Answer

Total US Debt: $14.1 Trillion

Debt Held by US Public: $9.49 Trillion

Debt held by Foreigners: $4.45 Trillion

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Q: How much US Debt in trillions?
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I think they owe money to pretty much every country in the world (sorry if this doesn't help). Heck, they probably owe money to you with the gov'ts debt in the trillions

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The US has far greater tax revenues and spending power, but they're also now trillions of dollars in debt.

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We hvae about $3,000,000,000,000 or $3 Trillion in debt =[

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US foreign debt is now over 4.5 trillion dollars a year. China holds a majority of the US foreign debt.

How much is the US national debt?

As of January 31st 2011, total debt of the US economy is 14.13 Trillion US Dollars.

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No, the national debt line not a safe place to go to. In the United States, we are in trillions of dollars in debt. We need to get things back on track.

How much will the solution cost for stopping global warming?

trillions and trillions of dollars