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Q: Any two names of mathematicians
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Names of foreign mathematicians?


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Arithmetic progression was invented and discovered by two different mathematicians and scientists. Their names were Harvey Dubner and Tony Forbes.

Is there any relationship between two consecutive prime numbers?

None that mathematicians have been able to discern.

Why did ancient mathematicians do not use their family names?

they wanted their family to be not known

What are the names of three famous mathematicians?

Charles BabbageAlbert EinsteinBlaise Pascal

Who was one of the two greatest mathematicians of the 18th century along with Euler?

Leibniz was one of the two greatest mathematicians of the 18th century.

Are there any black female mathematicians?

Yes, there are black female mathematicians. Check related links

What are the names of famous foreign mathematicians?

No mathematician in foreign - in his / her own country. yep

What are the names of persons who study geometry?

I would guess geometrists. Or, broadly, mathematicians.

There are only two types of geometry that mathematicians study?

FALSEthere are 4 types of geometry mathematicians study.

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write about any 20 mathematicians

What are some names of mathematicians?

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