ICANN is responsible for the regulation of domain names.
You can use a combination of letter and numbers when registering a domain name.
Every website has an "Address". These addresses are groups of numbers, separated by dots. Without domain names, you would have to type in a series of numbers; Which can be difficult for users to remember. Domain names, on the other hand, are letters and numbers that can signify the meaning of a website; Which eases the pain of memorization.
ICANN, or the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is the governing body for domain name registrations. Although they are the governing body, they do not "assign" domain names, but rather monitor and manage domain name registrars (i.e. GoDaddy, eNom, NetworkSolutions, etc.) where individuals (and businesses) can purchase domain names. To resolve to an active internet address, domain names are assigned to an IP address via a web host or domain name registrar.
Webpages can be opened through numerical IP Addresses that are computer-readable. Domain names can be easily remembered that's why it's important to own one.
The purpose of domain name registrars is to manage domain names on the internet. The registrar enters a domain name into shared registration system which is supervised by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. Go Daddy is the largest registrar at this time.
ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) manages the top level development and the architecture of the Internet Domain Space. ICANN authorizes domain name registrars, which registers and reassigns domain names.
It depends on the type of business that you are representing.
Domain names are: "strings of letters and numbers (separated by periods) that are used to name organizations and computers and addresses on the internet; "domain names are organized hierarchically with the more generic parts to the right"wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwnE.g. wiki.answers.com is a domain name.
The purpose of domain name registrars is to manage domain names on the internet. The registrar enters a domain name into shared registration system which is supervised by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. Go Daddy is the largest registrar at this time.