There is no such thing as the highest or lowest numbers. Google Plex is the highest number I know it is 1 with a million 0s on the end
Very big... Scientists probably don't have an answer for something like that. But, the highest known number, which is a number (infinity is not), is either google, google plex, or centillion.
first times google times google then add pi then you get the answer. :D
Gangnam Style by Psy
Milton surely a a 9 year nephew of a mathematician
Google-Plex , a google is a 1 followed by 100 zeroes , a google-plex is a google followed by another 100 zeroes
Googolplex* and I'm hesitant to give your impressionable mind the wrong information, but infinity is not necessarily larger because infinity is a concept, not a number. Infinity istrying to count all the numbers between 0 and 1... where do you start? A number can always be made smaller by
10710 to 10710 times 1- google plex
no it goes much much much higher to like duodecillion with 64 zeros but that is like nothing compared to google plexes E.G. 7 google plex is 1 with 700 zeros
about 32,000,000 millionplexplexplexplexplexplexplexplexplexplex.
Alot of money :)