Your only solution - is to go through every possible combination from 0000 to 9999 until you find the correct number !
You can crack a 3-digit combination lock by sequentially trying every possible number. Writing down and keeping track of every number used will help avoid confusion and speed up results.
There is only one combination since the order of the numbers in a combination does not matter.
every number from 0000 to 9999
bolt cutters....
I would not like a list all possible 4 digit combination using 0-9.
There are 210 4 digit combinations and 5040 different 4 digit codes.
If you don't know the code to the combination lock then your stuffed. Just go through all the possible combinations and unlock it (only if its a 3/4 digit) On the other hand if you do know the code and want to change the lock, hold down the unlock button/lever and change the digits and that should change the code.
You should try out all of the three-digit combination. There are 10x10x10 = 1,000 possible combination (assuming digits 0-10).
There is only one possible combination as a combination is the same no matter what the order is. There are 120 permutations, which is where the order does matter.
A four digit numerical code has 10,000 possible combinations assuming you are permitted to use sequential numbers. If you exclude sequences (1234) for example, and pairs (1122 etc) - the possible permutations are significantly reduced.