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To answer this question of how much does a businessman earn, lets first find an agreement on what a businessman does. A businessman, well just like the word suggest is someone who does business for money. For example, someone who sell's certain products like furniture, cars, house products, body care products, that person would fit into the category of a businessman. Now that is straight out plane business. Someone does not have to do plane business in order to be a businessman. In a way, everyone, except for certain people (religious leaders, priest, and monks) is a businessman because everyone works for money. Doctors, lawyers, pilots, engineers, and cooks, are all in a way businessman's, because they all offer their services and talents to society for money. I hope that this has shed some light on the definition of what a businessman is. With that said, it is reasonable to say that a businessman can make as much money as a janitor, or as much as Bill Gates makes. It all depends on the individual and their business. If someone decides to open up a store that sells what people want than that person should have a successfull business. But if that person sells things that are not of much interest to society, than that person can expect to have an unsuccessfull business.

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