We need to know the make, model and condition to help you with that one.
A 1909 Ford Model T Touring car base price was $850.
about 134 dollars
it is probaly if in good condition worth from $100 to $1000 dollars
$850 in 1909 Equal to $20,513 today.
My car is worth around $18,000.
About 29$
Unless it has an O mint mark, about $300 for its gold content. If it's a 1909-O, it's worth about 2.5X as much as a collectible coin.
1909 VDB - extra fine condition (EF40) - $20 1909 -S VDB - EF40 - $ 1500 1909 - EF40 - $7.00 1909-S - EF40 - $275
i think about 850.00
The Pay Car - 1909 was released on: USA: 3 September 1909
1.00$ in good condition
Wheat cents were struck from 1909 to 1958