

Best Answer
How to pill a catMy husband and I had this problem three months ago. Here are our tips:

1. If at all possible, pill the cat with TWO people -- one to hold the cat, the other to work the pilling device.

2. Wrap the cat tightly in a blanket or large towel, from front shoulders right through to tail. Don't hurt the cat but try to find the right tightness so the cat can't wiggle its front paws out of the wrap.

3. It helps if you can hold the cat like a baby, on its back cradled in your arm, once it's wrapped. If not, try placing it on a counter top or piece of furniture that's above your waist level so you're able to use your upper body strength to gently control the situation rather than crouching or reaching down and probably getting your arms and hands bitten.

4. After you place the pill in the device, coat the tip in butter or margarine -- make the pill slip down easier and they like the salty taste. Have this ready before you ever pick up the cat and try to restrain it. Speed is the key.

4. Once the cat is in position, place one hand on the cat's head with thumb and forefinger ahead of the ears and the palm and other fingers just behind the ears, and gently tilt the cat's head back so its mouth faces the ceiling.

5. Use that thumb, and the forefinger and thumb of the hand holding the piller to open the cat's jaw. Be prepared for resistance and squirming! You have to be physically firm but no cruel, and speak softly and positively to the cat. No yelling at it if it doesn't obey, it is naturally frightened of being restrained.

6. Now's the time to be quick! Insert the piller as far back in the throat as you can and quickly and firmly press the plunger. Release the open jaws and gently wrap the pilling hand around the closed mouth to keep it closed -- keep the head tilted back.

7. Here's the amazing trick! Within about a second of the jaw being closed, blow air up the cat's nose! Just bend over and exhale a breath by blowing, right at the cat's nose. This should force the cat to swallow. If you don't feel a swallow, _gently_ and rapidly rub a knuckle up and down the throat.

8. Now you need to release the cat and watch very carefully to see if it drools out or spits out the pill. You should have a really good rate of success if you follow these steps, but if not, try it all again but coat the pilling device in honey rather than margarine. Some cats like salty tastes, others like sweet.

That's it, all the tips we gathered from all our cat-parent friends and relatives. I hope it works for you!

lorna.pitcher/ except @ rather than /

Hells Bells - I hate to be the voice of reason but that advice is absolutely dreadful. I wouldn't do the above if I were you for more than one reason. Sorry but having read the above I have to say that the method described is bloody awful and using it will prolong an already stressful experience for both of you. Giving a pill is not difficult and best done without the aid of a pill plunger (or whatever it is). The cat will not know what the thing you are brandishing is and this will make it a little worse an experience again. Use your fingers instead.

1.wrap cat in a towel and kneel on floor with kitty between your knees

so she can't run off. Her tail should be poking out behind you and your knees close together so she has no room to move around at all.

2. Holding the pill, tilt her head up and open her mouth by placing your thumb and forefinger either side of her jaw where the top and bottom jaws meet (at the back). Apply light pressure and kitty will open her mouth naturally. Basically, you lightly squeeze the corners of her jaw and this causes her mouth to open.

3. With her mouth open, using your fingers (drop the pill straight down the back of her throat (not on her tongue if you can help it, as far back as possible). If you drop it down this way she will automatically swallow Make sure she has swallowed (watch her if you are not so sure) and let her go!

4. If you attempt blowing air up her nose then you may lose an eye - it is totally unecessary and will cause more stress to both of you (think about how the cat will interpret this, it will become even more freaked out). Incidently, cats have small nostrils so don't even go there out of practicality if nothing else. Do NOT hold her like a baby, she is not one and will not appreciate it at all. Being held like a baby on her back is not a natural position for any cat and even if your cat happens to like it, you will lack control. If you place her between your knees as you kneel on the floor, you will find you can restrain her easily and quickly. You may not even need a towel, we don't. Also, she is the correct way up with her legs underneath her and thus away from you). Forget the talking to her softly, it won't make it easier. What you need to concentrate on is speed - do it as quickly as you can, no fluffing around with soft words - they will be lost on her and prolong the experience. Afterwards. do NOT use your knuckle to rub her throat, use your finger instead to gently stroke. Oh and she will run away from you for a short time but the production of a slice or two of ham from the fridge will win her favour back (instantly).

Link below to one of the best cat web sites I have ever found. Lots on cat behaviour and their advice is accurate and up to date.

Hope this helps.

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