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Yes, in Public schools.

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Q: Is it illegal for a teacher to let a student do the register?
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Is it illegal for a teacher to tell a student no to using the bathroom?

Yes, but I'm sure if you explain to them that you really have to go, they will let you.

What will you do if you saw your fellow teacher abusing his student which is against the law?

Since it is a matter of law, the witness to an illegal act should contact the police. As a matter of courtesy, the witness might also let the principal know.

How do you get your gym teacher to let you lick his feet?

That is utterly repulsive, and quite frankly, illegal.

How can you become a straight a student?

behave well and don't let the teacher think you are a trouble maker soo just get in good with the teacher

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let them cheat.when the teacher asked them whats the question they are blind minded

Is it illegal for a teacher not to let a student get a drink in AZ?

Teachers act in loco parentis in the classroom. This is a Latin phrase which means "in the place of the parents" or "instead of the parents." It means that teachers are the guardians of the students at school. Generally, they are allowed to direct student behavior in a way that a parent would, generally for the safety of the student and in the context of the school rules. You seem to be asking if a student has the right to leave the classroom to get a drink of water during class. The teacher can probably regulate this. You would have to check the school handbook to find out if students have the right to drink (water?) during class or to leave class in order to get a drink of water. My guess is that it is up to the teacher.

How do teachers react when they do not like a student?

Well, first off, if a teacher doesn't like a student, it must be for some particular reason. It is unfair if a teacher doesn't even know a student and proclaims that he/she doesn't like that student. Well, let's say the student is bad. Either way, I don't think they shouldn't dislike the student. They could make them go to the principal's office every day, suspend them, accuse them, make them stand and face the wall for the rest of the day, and there are much, much more... ...just because a teacher doesn't like the student. And that's wrong.

When A student has accurately completed all their work and has been coming to class daily does the pofessor have the right to give that student a poor grade?

well first of all the student should let the professor know how they feel are they emotional or physical it all depends but if they are emotional they should address a consuler about the situation but if the teacher notices something about this student being so emotional the teacher should give the student a break. so basically no:)

How do you know when dress down day is at Prendergast School?

If you are a student, your teacher should let you know when special days are. You can also ask someone, either another student or at the office. If you are a parent, you can call the school.

Is it illegal for a guy teacher to come in to a girls bathroom while girls are changing?

hey this is the original question owner. let me tell you about this. my guy singers teacher came into the bathroom while girls were changing for the new song. we were all in bras/underwear but none were naked. is it still illegal?

What can you do as a teacher to eliminate social problems like crime?

well I think you can take the person and disscuss about it. One thing you should not do is tell the whole class. Let the student know that he will get concequesces for his actions. dont rush it too much. be a cool teacher and let them know you can help them for anything.

What should a teacher do to a student who frequently cuts classes?

Talk to the parents of the child and let them know to talk to their child about it. Then tell the principle to talk to the kid also.