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Q: Is it true that a baby will always always be born with the fathers blood type is this true?
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Related questions

Can a child be born without the mother or the fathers blood type?

No, a child's blood type is determined by the combination of the parents' blood types. The child's blood type will always be a result of the parents' genetic information.

Do fathers get a drug tests after baby born?

No, there would be no reason to.

After baby born who name is pick not married?

usually it the fathers last name

What is gods fathers name?

God has no father he was always there and never born

Does first born baby have same blood type as mother?

Not necessarily. The blood type of a first born baby can be the same as the mother's, but it can also be different if the baby inherits a different blood type allele from the father. The baby's blood type is determined by a combination of the parents' blood types.

Can a baby be born with blood type o if father is blood type a?


Can a baby be born with positive blood if both parents have negative blood?

No, it is not possible.

How can you know who the father is if you become pregnant?

I believe that you have to wait until the child is born. At that point you may have a blood test done to the baby and if possible from the potential fathers. The test by blood type may help narrow down the field. The best way is to have a DNA test done.

If you have two possible fathers and are pregnant can tests show whose baby it is?

Not while you are pregnant, that I know of, but after the baby is born you can have the baby, the mom and the possible fathers tested. It's usually a very simple test and takes a week or two to get the results back.

Can a baby born blood type O if the mother blood type A and father blood type A?


Can the baby be born with blood type A if the father is blood type o and the mother is blood type B?


Can a baby be born with blood type O if both parents are blood type A?
