Al Capone Does My Shirts is a historical fiction novel for young adults by Gennifer Choldenko. Pretty good story about Moose and his sister- and Alcatraz prison.
Read the book yourslef.
yes there is a sequel to al Capone does my shirts it is called Al Capone Shines My Shoes by Gennifer Chodenko and that book is really really really good. Uh... Idiot hes asking for the sequel to Al Capone Shines my shoes not Al Capone does my shirts - Ep347
Actually, the book is Al Capone does MY shirts which is by Gennifer Choldenko. You're welcome!
second base
Al Capone Does My Shirts was created in 2004.
It is actually "Al Capone Does My Shirts" and it's by Gennifer Choldenko.
12 and 16
gennifer choldenko is still working on the 3rd book
Alcapone's number is 105
best book of the year and newberry honor book
The message of Al Capone does my shirts is to never give up because if Moose's family gave up on Natalie she wouldn't get into that school and the message of the story is called the theme
Stay out of trouble. Keep away from Al Capone. Always look out for your sister, Natalie. No talking to Al Capone on the phone. Stay invisible at Alcatraz.