What kind of router should I buy for xbox 360 live using cable modem?
Unfortunately, there are no consumer routers with cable modems built in. You'll have to speak directly with your ISP about getting one.
Wireless routers have spots on the back to plug in ethernet cables. Mine has one input and 4 outputs. It may work if you plug in one wireless router to your modem and then run the ethernet cable from the out of that wireless modem to the in on the other
There are many modem routers on the market today. Some of the highest ranked modem routers include the Billion BiPAC, the Netgear N600 and the Linksys EA6500.
Yes you can because the modem router has a modem built in. There are different types of modem routers that suit different needs. If you are only going to be surfing the web you will need a "N" modem router, if you are going to be sharing files then you will need a "N+" modem router and if you are going to be gaming e.g. connecting to a Xbox 360 or PlayStaion 3 you will need a "N+N" modem router, I would personally recommend Belkin modem routers. Hope you find this useful!
There are literally dozens of different brands of routers. The speediest brand though is anything made by Cicso. Since they are the premier router company in the world
can you connect wireless modem to a switch which will to two routers
form_title= Cable Modem form_header= Repair or replace your cable modem. Do you need to replace your cable modem?*= () Yes () No What is your budget for a cable modem?*= _ [50] Do you need help with the repairs or installation?
The ethernet cable is the cable with end plugs similar to a phone cable but a little larger in appearance. The cable modem may have one leaving it to go to your PC or your router for a home network
No, a cable modem connects to a cat5 coax cable and a DSL modem connects to a standard phone line.
Routers,switches,internal modem,external modem,hub,etc.
You can carry out a USB Modem sharing using a wireless router.