1. Lowest Cost of Living and Least-Expensive Housing Among 24 Metropolitan Areas with
Populations of More Than 2 Million
2. Port of Houston -- Top-Ranked Coffee Exchange Port in the World
3. Fastest Growing Companies
4. Job Growth
5. Best Cities for Software Developer Pay
6. Most Pet-Friendly City for Travelers
7. Largest Immigrant Communities in the United States
It is number four in population, and number nine in total area.
Area: Small Rank: crappy
area is 12,410sq miles and rank is 39th
The area of SplashTown Houston is 214,483.3903872 square meters.
The area of Lake Houston is 47.971 square kilometers.
Huston is the 4th largest US City by population.
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K&P Cars is the most expensive taxi rank in the wrexham area