It means 'business'
.BIZ (Business) - This is a gTLD that is generally registered to classify their website as a business. Although it's not a commonly recognized extension, I feel that it's a great alternative if the .COM extension isn't available.
".biz" is a TLD (Top Level Domain) meant for business domain names.
There are no specific legal or geographical restrictions to register a ".biz" domain name, except that it's supposed to be only for "bona fide business or commercial use".
There are a total of about 280 different TLDs, the best known of which are ".com", ".net", and ".org".
Also, most countries have their own Top Level Domains, such as ".ca" for Canada, ".jp" for Japan, ".mx" for Mexico, and so on.
It is an alternative top-level domain (TLD) designated for businesses, which formerly only had the .com TLD available to them. It is a phonetic spelling of the first syllable in the word "business" ("biz-nis," as phonetically spelled in a dictionary). It was used to alleviate the demand for .com domains, which dominates the number of registered websites on the internet at this time.
You can register .biz extensions with regular domain registrars who register .coms and .nets.
Biz is the web domain for a business (.biz). UK is United Kingdom. So, it looks like you are referring to a business web address based in the UK.
A domain identifier is the very last par of a url. Such as the .com, or .biz, .info, etc.
Biz is the web domain for a business (.biz). UK is United Kingdom. So, it looks like you are referring to a business web address based in the UK.
There are quite a few websites that will help one get more information on Biz domain. To name a few, one could visit websites such as Zooknic and the FAQ section of Bare Metal.
Hi, .com, .org, .net, .edu, .gov, .int, .biz, .info, .name, .pro all these are top level domain.
biz is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) in the Domain Name System of the Internet. It is intended for registration of domains to be used by businesses. The name is a phonetic spelling of the first syllable of business. The biz TLD was created to relieve some of the demand for domain names in the com top-level domain, and to provide an alternative for businesses whose preferred domain name in com had already been registered by another party. There are no specific legal or geographic qualifications to register a biz domain name, except that it must be for "bona fide business or commercial use". It was created in 2001 along with several other domains as the first batch of new gTLDs approved by ICANN in the expansion of the Domain Name System following the increased interest in Internet commerce in the late 1990s. The TLD is administered by NeuStar and registrations are processed via accredited registrars.
The suffix like www.[name].com or .gov .edu .us .org .net .biz .infothe domain nameDomain name.URL: http://www.example.comProtocol: http://Domain Name: example.comTop-Level domain: .comThe domain name, Fo sho.domain
Domain Name: - It can be 67 characters long including the 4 character long top level domain (with dot Example: .com, .biz) - The characters that are permitted are letters, numbers and hypens. - The special characters that are not permitted are exclamation, underscore
If you are referring to the ".com" or ".net" portion of the domain name, it is called the "top level domain name." Anything in between "www" and the top level domain name is called a secondary domain name.
It is the unique identity of a website using which internet users can access its content. Domain names can have different TLDs or extensions like .com, .us .biz .net .org .info etc - the latest one is .co
.biz was created in 2001.