

Best Answer

It's a text message scam that frequently tells people they have won an ipad or are getting free ringtones.

Report it to your network.

People who have replied to this number by sms in the UK have been charged a reported minimum of £7.50

Nobody ever gets an iPod/IPAD etc

This no has been doing scams for a long time and seems to evade the authorities so far.


This is definitely a scam, it has affected thousands of people over the years and has made the scammers and their front men (the networks) millions! If you contact your network they will just give you the run-around and tell you to contact the scammers. The networks know this is a scam, but are happy to enable the scammers to keep going as they take a cut of the proceeds.

If you get any unwanted premium rate texts, you should send an email or registered letter to the customer service department of your mobile network with the following text (replace O2 with your network's name):

" I have received a number of unsolicited premium rate texts from 82344. I do not have an agreement, contract or relationship of any kind or form with this scam company, hence all texts sent to me were sent illegally as per 2003 E-Privacy Regulations. The money taken from my account was also taken illegally as per the 1968 Theft Act. Since my contract is with O2 and it is O2 that has knowingly or unknowingly been complicit in this theft I expect on one the following from O2:

• I expect O2 to refund the money illegally take from my account and O2 to take this up with the scammers.

• I expect O2 to provide me with a full and detailed audit trail proving that I subscribed for this service and that the money was taken legally.

Please advise me within 48 hours or receipt of this email, which of the two above actions O2 will be taking. If I do not receive a satisfactory reply within 48 hours I will be making a formal complaint to Oftel, reporting the theft to the Police and initiating legal action.


Its almost a certainty the network will not have any proof of a subscription, they may have details of texts sent or received, but unless they can provide the content of those texts then they can't prove that you subscribed. They will have to refund the money or get the scammers to refund the money (make sure you get a FULL refund).

Don't let them fool you into thinking you signed up by accident, or you weren't paying attention, this is nothing but a SCAM. The scammers buy your number from mailing lists or simply auto generate it from known number ranges.

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