Telephone area code 0916 is not assigned to any specific geographic area or region. In the North American Numbering Plan, area codes beginning with "09" are typically reserved for future use or special services. Therefore, it is likely that area code 0916 is not currently in use or may be designated for a specific purpose such as mobile or VoIP services.
Oh, dude, like, area code 0916 doesn't exist. It's like trying to find a unicorn in your backyard - not gonna happen. Maybe you meant 916, which is for Sacramento, California. But hey, if you're looking for 0916, good luck on your quest for the mystical area code!
The UK Dialling Code 0916 is reserved for premium rate operators. It is not a geographical area.
US area code 916 (not 0916) is Sacramento, California.
Other countries may have a domestic telephone area code 0916 or similar.
Telephone country code +91 is India.
This was likely a call from Saudi Arabia. The international country code for Saudi Arabia is +966.
There are also some countries with domestic telephone numbers beginning with 0966.
There is no telephone area code 185 in Russia.
Gwalior Engineering College
The telephone country code for Zimbabwe is +263. The area code for Beitbridge is 0286, or +263 286 in international format.
No, telephone area codes are discrete data.
Telephone country code +93 is Afghanistan, and area code +93 25 (Afghan domestic telephone area code 025) is the city of Logar, south of Kabul.
The telephone country code for Zimbabwe is +263. The area code for Karoi is 064, or +263 64 in international format.
The telephone country code for Zimbabwe is +263. The area code for Chakari is 0688, or +263 688 in international format.
It has the area code 082.
Area code of Banepa is 011
The telephone country code for Zimbabwe is +263. The area code for Glendale is 0376, or +263 376 in international format.
The telephone country code for Argentina is +54. The area code for Chascomus is 02241, or +54 2241 in international format.
The telephone country code for Zimbabwe is +263. The area code for Guruve is 058, or +263 58 in international format.