Up your ASS!!1
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You can find Look cleat cycling shoes at most sporting goods stores or online retailers that specialize in cycling gear. Look for them in the cycling shoe section or search for them specifically on the retailer's website.
Please see the Related Links section of this answer.
Arts and crafts is under Art and Entertainment
WikiAnswers has users from all over the globe, including Belgium. We do have a French section of WikiAnswers ( which is where you are most likely to find Belgian contributors.
No, you cannot put presentations on WikiAnswers. However, if it relates to a question's answer, you can post a link in the Related Links section of a question, but you can't put it right on WikiAnswers.
No. WikiAnswers does not currently support graphics or images.
look through the "loch ness monster" section on wikiAnswers.
There is; It's listed under History, Politics and Society.
WikiAnswers is owned by the Answers Corporation ( The head of WikiAnswers Bruce Smith; there are then a team of Community Assistants (see "Related Questions" section of this answer) and finally the volunteer Supervisor team.