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Active Directory NC (Naming Context's)

  • Active Directory consists of three partitions or naming contexts (NC)
    • Domain, Configuration and Schema Naming Contexts
  • Each are replicated independently
  • An Active Directory forest has single schema and configuration
    • Every domain controller (DC) holds a copy of each (schema, configuration NC's)
  • Forest can have multiple domains
    • Every domain controller in a domain holds a copy of the domain NC
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Q: Which naming context contains forest wide data about the physical topology of an active directory forest?
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Which naming context contains forest-wide data about the physical topology of an active directory?


Which naming context co ntains forest-wide data about the physical topology of an active directory forest?


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Without knowing a bit more about the context, probably "topology".Common network topologies are ring, star, bus and mesh.

What are ad partition?

Active Directory data is logically partitioned so that each domain controller does not store all objects in the directory. Each directory partition, also called a naming context, contains objects of a particular scope and purpose. Below are the three major Active Directory partitions described:-· Schema Partition defines the object classes and their attributes for the entire directory. The configuration is replicated to everydomain controller in the forest.· Domain Partition contains all the objects stored in a domain, including users, groups, computers, and group policy containers (GPCs). This partition information is replicated to all domain controllers within a domain, but not to domain controllers in other domains.· Configuration Partition contains objects that represent the logical struct-er of the forest, domains, as well as the physical topology, including sites, subnets, and services.Application Directory Partition replicates directory partition only to specific domain controllers. This is responsible for generating and maintaining Replication topology. Objects stored in Application directory partition are not replicated to the Global Catalog.

What is the definition for physical context?

The physical context reflects the space around something and how that influences how you see it.

Which naming context are replicated across an entire Active Directory forest?

The Schema and Configuration partition

Is watch a physical or mental verb?

It is a physical verb. It depends on context.

What is Active directory Naming Context?

Active Directory NC (Naming Context's) * Active Directory consists of three partitions or naming contexts (NC) ** Domain, Configuration and Schema Naming Contexts * Each are replicated independently * An Active Directory forest has single schema and configuration ** Every domain controller (DC) holds a copy of each (schema, configuration NC's) * Forest can have multiple domains ** Every domain controller in a domain holds a copy of the domain NC

Which contains commands that can be selected?

Menu (In the context of Computers)

What is the physical context of a webpage?

The physical context of a webpage is the area around the main information on the page. It can consist of images, added text or links that are connected to the main information in one way or another.

What is the physical context?

The physical context refers to the environmental setting or conditions in which an event or situation occurs. This can include factors such as location, infrastructure, terrain, weather, and other physical attributes that influence the outcome or interpretation of a situation. Understanding the physical context is important for analyzing and addressing various issues or challenges effectively.

Is radiation a physical hazard within the context of industrial hygiene practice?

Yes, within the context of industrial hygiene (occupational hygiene), radiation is a physical hazard.