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he was yousing you

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Q: Why did a guy text me 247 and then suddenly claims he never liked me?
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How do you get a guy back over text that you really liked and think you pushed him away?

Text him back, and tell him how you feel.

How does one avoid unsupportable claims in an essay?

Using the text for support

This guy that I have been friends and liked since 7th grade I told him I liked him back then and he rejected me Now he told me in a text two years later that he liked back What does this mean?

He has changed his mind About what?

How do you know if a girl still wants you to text her?

She will answer your texts (text you back). If she doesn't text you back, she doesn't want you to text her. I've cut people, men and women, if I am text over and over when I haven't answered, even if I liked them previous to that.

You text a girl that you liked few months ago but stopped is it all right for you to text her again now?

I'm a girl and I think it's fine. One of my guy friends that liked me did that. We didn't talk for a couple months and then we started talking again. It was weird at first but you get used to it. I say you should text her.

What do the Mycenaean's?

they liked to play Video Games and watch tv but most of all they loved to text.

what is nvm in text?

Abbreviations of 'Never Mind'

What does the term toledot?

Jewish "anti-Gospel" text from the Middle Ages that claims Jesus was a sorcerer

Is evidence always a quotation from a text?

No, evidence can include data, examples, visuals, statistics, and expert opinions. It supports claims and arguments within a text or discussion.

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What does it mean when you text your crush but they never text back?

It means that they aren't interested.

What does it mean if he hasnt texeted up back in days?

That you should never text him ever again and never ever text him first.