* Why do women leave it down? * It's a force of habit, and in most cases the habit can be broken. * For a most scholarly look at this common problem, see the Related link below...
Never leave the toilet seat up
The fight over the toilet seat being up or down (scorned by women for being left up) has been an ongoing debate since the toilet seat was invented. The toilet seat should be left down at home on a general basis considering both sexes do have bowel movements and it is not all about urinating. In public men have urinals in the men's room so there is no problem with public toilets. If you go into an upscale hotel the bathrooms are spotless; toilet is well cleaned with the toilet seat downand a paper banner across it which indicates the toilet has hygienically been cleaned and no one has torn off the banner to use that toilet since being cleaned.Another answerThe seat and the lid should always be DOWN when not in use. In polite society, the sight of the toilet is considered to be less offensive when the lid is down.
It is proper to leave the seat down, but whether the cover is left down or up is a matter of personal preference.
To pee- so they do not pee on the toilet seat.
Neither is more correct. Agree on a compromise and stick to it.
I'd guess about 101 %,except that I know a few that never lift it at all.
It is only bad if there is a woman in the house. Women, as a group, are rather squeamish about germs and greatly dislike the prospect of having to touch a toilet seat. If it's always left down, then there is no need for them to ever touch it.
In your toilet, trust me go in your bathroom, and lift up your toilet seat, and there he is! :D your welcome
$10,000 for a toilet seat adds up...
yes it is a crime because spiders and other things can climb in
When in Use cover up when not in use down
It is not a problem, don't worry about it. Any small amount that might possibly have got into a crack will quickly die and dry up. Even if it was fresh and a female were to come into contact with it, she can not get pregnant from it.