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The calculator keypad is based on the configuration of older, mechanical calculators and adding machines. Even back when there was no such thing as a "calculator" there were mechanical devices that could add, subtract, multiply and divide. The layout of the keys in these machines were always with the smaller numbers on the bottom and the larger numbers on the top. The 100 key machines had a row of zeros across the bottom, a row of ones next in the line above and twos after that. They went on up to a row of nines at the top. You would punch in your number, using whatever keys were necessary. then depending on what you wanted to do, you would either punch in the next number or you would put in your operation.

The phone started out with a rotary dial with the one at the top of the dial and the beginning of the alphabet starting with the number two, counter clockwise on the dial. This meant you turned the dial clockwise when you used it. This is the more comfortable direction to turn a dial with your finger. When push button phones came out, they just naturally followed the small numbers at the top rule that was started with the rotary dial phones.

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Calculator is more accurate than a phone calculator.

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Q: Why is the keypad of a calculator different from that of a telephone?
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What kind of calculator do you mean?If you mean handheld calculator so the purpose of its keypad is obvious, it is necessary to input data yo ant to calculate.For software calculators it is not that simple.I think there are two purposes for onscreen keypads of software calculators.1. To serve people who prefer using mouse instead of keyboard2. To help people easily understand what this particular program can do and what it can not. For example if you don't see "SQRT" button on the keypad then most probably this calculator does not provide this function.There are also software calculators that allow to hide the keypad if you want, one example is here: http:/

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If you don't have a hand held calculator, in sequence press. "Start", "All Programs", "Accessories", "Calculator" on your computer. A small calculator will appear and you can use your keypad to obtain the answer you want. My computer/calculator says 74634530.

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